Abu al-Abbas: What do we expect from channel as al-Jazeera
English - Friday 05 April 2019 الساعة 04:17 pm
The Colonel Adel Farea al-Thubhani, the commander of Abu al-Abbas Battalions expressed on Friday his cynicism about the old audio recording broadcast by al-Jazeera on Wednesday as if it was on the last confrontations in the old city of Taiz.
The Colonel Farea said in a brief comment: "The recording published in al-Jazeera Qatari Muslim Brotherhood Channel, was four months ago and I was passing among security checkpoints of the battalions in Taiz city night by an unknown car, wondering checkpoints' behavior why they did not stop the car so as to check it,"
The response came hours after al-Jazeera broadcast a report on the situation in the city of Taiz, including the old recording of radio communications between the Colonel Farea and his soldiers had happened four months ago.
A military source told Newsyemen that the Colonel Adel Farea was in the interim capital Aden during the attack on the old city.