17th Brigade commander acknowledges presence of Popular Crowd militias in Taiz
English - Thursday 04 April 2019 الساعة 06:36 pm
The Brig. Abdulrahman al-Shamsani, the commander of the 17th Infantry Brigade, acknowledged on Thursday the presence of the militias of Popular Crowd of the Islah Party and trained them in national army camps in Taiz province.
Al-Shamsani said that the militias of Popular Crowd were formed in past period, most of them non-numbered, calling them militias back the national army.
Al-Shamsani pointed out that they replaced the Popular Crowd militias with unregulated individuals in some of the national army brigades - he means the brigades under control of the Islah Party- while soldiers considered such a step is a confiscation of their military numbers as being they are at front lines of the battles.
The Brigadier al-Shamsani's acknowledgement came two weeks after the Brotherhood's Islah party rejected the presence of the Popular Crowd militias, and said it was such a name was invented by a sick person's imagination.
Newsyemen published reports, reinforced with pictures, documents and testimonies, late March last year about the Popular Crowd militias, the names of the camps in which they are located in, and the nature of the training received by members of these militias funded by the State of Qatar.