Brotherhood's allegations disclose practices in Taiz
English - Saturday 30 March 2019 الساعة 02:34 pm
The Brotherhood practices disgraceful violations against their political opponents, burning the political parties' headquarters in Taiz, as did the "Popular Crowd" militias, burned a few days ago at the headquarters of the General People's Congress party (GPC).
The Brotherhood, through their armed militias, practices the same violations that the Islah has been affixing to its political opponents, in a clear indication of a flagrant contradiction between the Brotherhood's ideological claims and its behavior.
While the Brotherhood accused their opponents of burning the Brotherhood's headquarters, they torched their opponents' headquarters in Taiz, and the Brotherhood denied fighting the terrorists in Aden and fought their opponents without charge.
While the Brotherhood claims to be against terrorism, they have slipped into brutal executions of prisoners and wounded in Taiz city. The Brotherhood claimed loyalty to the internationally recognized Legitimacy of Yemen at a time they rejected the orders of Taiz governor.