Brotherhood Crowd detains wounded in al-Hanger checkpoint in Taiz
English - Monday 25 March 2019 الساعة 12:52 pm
The militias of the Popular Crowd belonging to Islah Party detain many of the wounded who were taken out of the old city of Taiz under the protection of the Military Committee in Taiz province.
A military source told Newsyemen that the Brotherhood militias detained 10 of the first batch of wounded who had left the old city in al-Hanger checkpoint in al-Dhabab area while on their way to Aden province.
The source expressed his fears that the militias of the Brotherhood may kill some of the wounded, like Najib Hanash who was killed and his dead body was thrown in al-Tahrir area after he was kidnapped at al-Thawra Hospital.
It is noteworthy that the detention and the prevention of the wounded to going to Aden province is regarded a new coup against the agreement of the military committee assigned by the governor Nabil Shamsan.