Wives of the Dead Houthi militias are another source of Houthi group’s leaders, influential people
English - Saturday 12 January 2019 الساعة 05:17 pm
Enas" a female of 13 years, entered wedlock for a month, now she became a widow girl after her a young husband was killed in a Houthi war military front against the Yemeni people, she did not complete her first EDDA soon she engaged for another Houthi fighter, she waits to end the Edda to be a wife for another Houthi fighter.
Enas is a story of a sexual jihad/ marriage jihad in the Houthi group, her first husband, who himself did not reach the age of 17. The first husband got a support by the Houthis to get married, but they prepared and sent him for a death, said her aunt to Newsyemen " we said to them, the Houthis, the girl is young and to get married, a child, we have to forget the marriage of this girl, the pleasure marriage/ Nikah mut'ah, but they did not listen to us”.
Radeyah, a teacher at one of the Capital Sana'a school, said that her niece was returning from a school, she arrived at her house to be said by her uncle that she is going to be a bride to a young Mustafa,a teenager, whose age did not reach 17 as well.
The Houthi supervisor deceived the young Mustafa and recruited him, including some others as the same as his age, Houthis got them married with young girls so far.
After a month they took the groom to the battle ground what the so-called Jehad and they, the young Houthi fighters, will be stayed Security Checkpoints on al-Hodeida road, they are said that they would return soon to their houses and to their wives, only days passed ahead then the new young groom Mustafa only just came in a green picture, a dead body without his much clear of his physical appearances.
The passion of Enas did not stable with her killed husband, she did not care much in her condolences as she is bound another EDDA, her aunt said that the girl was in her first week of EDDA, her uncle told her that a Houthi supervisor will be her a sponsor legally, in details, the Houthi supervisor wanted to engage with her, he would perform a legal marriage contract and he would be her a sponsor and a husband.
Radeyah said that the Houthi supervisor is known by Abu Ahmed, 45, he got married two wives, she said " who will be pleased with her to be among us", girls are become a tool and a means to deceive the teenagers so as to go the death..., they made our daughters like dolls as if they are not having no soul or blood or decision.
The guarantee / bail of marriage has two conditions, the early age /young and the beauty.
Tens of women have lost their husbands or their sponsors who are being cheated by the Houthi group or its followers, but less get guarantees, the young girl who are desirable for getting married after the death of her husband must be a young and beautiful lady, if one condition diminish, the bail will be ended completely.
Um Karemah, who lives in an old neighborhood in old city of Sana'a, commented on the story of Enas as saying, "Believe in Allah, God, our neighbor, Umm AbdulQadus, sits with her five children in a single room, and a kitchen at the other side of the room, a bathroom is a meter length and a half width, and the greatest only God Who Knows everything about her.
The Houthis do not know where she is, Houthis do not know if she gets food or water, her husband, including the wife, came from the border front. The husband was killed there, but why Houthis burdened her and she is over 35-year-old, and their bails or guarantees are well known to whom and for what are their reasons to be spent or gone.
The wife of the Houthi’s fighters who killed in the military fronts has no objection to refuse or to deny
Um al-Badr was a wife of a Houthi young media in Dhamar province, she got married to the young media whose age did not exceed 20, she and her husband have gotten three children, when her husband killed, she found herself under an order of a Houthi supervisor in Dhamar who ordered her to became a wife, or to get married again. She refused strongly and she decided to stay without a husband. She wants to raise her children in the current time.
The Houthi supervisor replied that she must to get married and It is not permissible to her to stay without a husband, on behalf of her, the Houthi supervisor decided to be her husband and to be her sponsor, he imposed upon her as well as upon her relatives of that wedlock and after the first day of her EDDA, she finally became the wife of the Houthi supervisor.
To follow such stories over those cases, only poor and middle classes suffer from those kinds of marriages who are not much involve in the Houthi doctrine, Houthi women, al-Zainabeyat which is the best term to be described to their blind fanaticism or belonging to the group) have no problems. The Houthi custody for those women, whose husbands have been killed in the battle ground, are not imposed by the Houthi group.