To eradicate terrorism.. The sacrifices of the southern forces confront the treachery of Al Qaeda
English - Monday 14 August 2023 الساعة 10:00 am
The terrorist al-Qaeda organization in Yemen found nothing but treachery to respond to the painful blows it received at the hands of the southern forces participating in the "arrows of the East" and "South Arrows" operations, which were launched late last year to defeat terrorism from the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa, in the south of the country.
Explosive devices are being planted heavily in front of the movements of the southern forces, with the aim of targeting the prominent military leaders who lead the field cleansing operations against the camps and hideouts of the organization in remote areas and mountainous reefs that have not been reached by any military campaign before for many years.
And with every great sacrifice made by the southern forces, especially in Abyan governorate, which witnessed the targeting of many prominent leaders who had a prominent role in the war against terrorism and uprooting it from all areas of the governorate adjacent to Al-Bayda governorate, which is under the control of the Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen.
Al-Sayed Number One
Since the beginning of this year, the southern forces have made many sacrifices among their soldiers and leaders, the latest of which was the martyrdom of the commander of the security belt forces in Abyan, Brigadier General Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid, who is classified by al-Qaeda as its number one wanted since the defeat of the organization in Abyan in 2011.
Through high-explosive explosive devices, al-Qaeda ambushed the convoy of Brigadier General al-Sayyid as it was passing in Rafid, branching from Wadi Uimran, east of the city of Mudiya, last Thursday, to kill the brigadier general of the fight against terrorism in Abyan, along with other security and tribal leaders. Including the pillars of war of the security belt forces in Abyan, Salah al-Yousifi al-Yafei.
For many years, the organization failed to achieve its goal of targeting Brigadier General Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid, since he was the leader of the popular committees against the organization in Abyan, which he turned 3 decades ago into major strongholds for its terrorist presence.
The size, number and quality of the terrorist operations launched by al-Qaeda to target the master leader is evidence that this man managed to deal painful blows to the terrorist organization in Abyan, and became a terrifying nightmare for them and gnawed at them day and night.
What happened in the mourning council on 4/8/2012 was the first spark for the terrorist organization to seek revenge on this man. The terrorist elements booby-trapped the condolence hall of the nephew of Brigadier General Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid in the city of Jaar, after the city was recaptured by the organization, which the organization declared an Islamic emirate for it in Abyan. The attack was revenge against the man who contributed to the victory and defeating terrorism from Jaar.
During the funeral bombing, at least 45 people were killed, and 34 others were wounded, including 3 brothers of Brigadier General Al-Sayyed, along with a large number of his relatives. In addition, he was seriously injured and lost an eye in the attack.
Treacherous operations
Over the past years, Commander Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid was present in every battle against al-Qaeda organization "Ansar al-Sharia" in Abyan governorate under his leadership. His forces ably recorded many decisive victories. However, his mission was not easy. He was exposed to multiple assassination attempts, but he survived every time and continued to fight it. fierce against terrorism.
On September 22, 2012, the organization launched a suicide attack with an explosive belt, targeting Al-Sayed in the capital, Aden, wounding him and three of his companions.
In November 2017, al-Sayyid's convoy was targeted with explosive devices planted by al-Qaeda members as he was leaving the al-Mahfad district heading to Zanzibar.
In February 2019, Commander Al-Sayed was subjected to an assassination attempt in Al-Mahfad district with explosive devices planted by Al-Qaeda elements.
In May 2020, Al-Sayed’s convoy was targeted in an armed attack in the Batis area, which led to the death of two of his companions and the injury of two others.
In November 2021, al-Sayyid's convoy was targeted by an armed attack by al-Qaeda members, seriously injuring the commander of his guard.
In March 2022, al-Sayyid’s convoy was targeted by a suicide car bomb attack in the vertical area of the road linking the city of Jaar and Zanzibar, where one of his guards was killed.
On August 10, 2023 , Commander Abdul Latif Al-Sayed and a number of his companions were martyred while he was leading Operation "Swords of Hoss" to purify the governorate of Al-Qaeda remnants that are still stationed in the outskirts of Mudiya district.
Big sacrifices
More than 50 targeting operations have been carried out against the southern forces in Abyan governorate by elements of the terrorist organization since the beginning of January 2023. These operations resulted in the death and injury of more than 100 soldiers, including prominent field commanders.
Al-Sayyed was one of dozens of leaders from the southern governorates, who wrote rare and milestone epics in the history of the war on terrorism, baptizing with their blood crushing victories against al-Qaeda.
In January, the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 4th Infantry Brigade, Colonel Abdul Rahim Al-Muaker and two of his companions, were killed, while others were injured in the same treacherous bombing while participating in Operation Arrows of the East.
In February, the commander of operations of the Fifth Brigade in the security belt, Colonel Abdullah Barjilah, and the Operations Staff of the Joint Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Mishaal Al-Alayani, were killed and 5 other soldiers were wounded, in an attack that occurred in Wadi Omran, Mudiya district, east of Abyan.
In April, the commander of the third battalion of the security belt forces, Major Fawzi Shayef al-Bakri, and a number of his companions were killed in the al-Baqira area of the same district.
As for July, the commander of the first battalion in the third brigade, support and support, Captain Saddam Hussein al-Saadi, and the commander of the first battalion in the second brigade, support and support, Ghassan al-Qadimi, and a number of soldiers from the “East Arrows” forces, were killed in a terrorist bombing in the “Al-Baqira” area in the Omran Valley. The head of the Transitional Council in al-Baqira, Aref Nasser Makni, who gave his life as a sacrifice in order to expel the terrorist al-Qaeda organization, was also martyred in the same attack.
The sacrifices made by the southern forces were met with heavy losses in the ranks of al-Qaeda, as the terrorist organization lost dozens of field commanders and terrorist elements, as well as the loss of its main strongholds, which it used as a launching pad for its attacks in the south, according to experts.
Continue marching
The sacrifice of Brigadier General al-Sayyid and those who preceded him increased the soldiers and commanders of the southern forces, insisting on eradicating terrorism from Abyan governorate and the rest of the southern governorates. Where the security and military leaders confirm their participation in the war against Al-Qaeda in Abyan, specifically in the "Swords of Haws" operation, which was launched a few days ago to track down the remnants of Al-Qaeda hiding in valleys and rugged mountain reefs in Rejection and Jinn along the Omran Valley, east of Mudiyah.
The commander of the Abyan combat axis, Brigadier General Al-Nubi, affirmed that the sacrifice of Brigadier General Abdul Latif Al-Sayyid, commander of the security belt in Abyan, and all the soldiers and leaders of the southern forces while performing their national duty, will not be in vain. Stressing: "We will not back down from waging this fateful battle until this dangerous scourge is eradicated."
For his part, Brigadier General Nabil Al-Mashushi explained, saying: We realize that our battle against terrorism and its supporters will cost us many sacrifices, but we will not back down from fighting this battle until we eradicate this intrusive scourge on our peaceful society, and drain its sources from every inch of our beloved south, until Everyone enjoys safety, security, and peace, and this is our pledge to the heroic leaders and soldiers who gave their lives cheaply for this noble goal.