Al-Jawf tribes... A spark of anger amid Houthi violations
English - Sunday 13 November 2022 الساعة 05:01 pmThe recent confrontations in Al-Jawf governorate shed light on the booby-trapped scene between the tribes of the governorate and the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, as a result of its practices and violations since its control over it nearly two years ago.
The militias took control of most of the governorate’s districts and residential communities without a significant fight, following the withdrawal of the legitimate forces under the control of the Brotherhood in March 2020, led by the former governor Amin al-Akimi, which caused the displacement of about a quarter of a million civilians from their homes in Al-Jawf to Marib and the surrounding areas, fleeing the militias’ oppression.
The exodus came despite the promises made by the militias to the tribes and residents of the province to ensure their loyalty and not to resist their control, with the withdrawal of the legitimate forces. However, their lies were quickly revealed in the first days of Iran’s extension of its control over the province, confirming that the situation in it would not differ from the situation in the rest of the militia’s control areas.
According to local sources, the militias have launched crimes of violations, abuse and crimes against the people and tribes since the first days of their control over the governorate, and they began with widespread retaliatory kidnapping campaigns in the city of Al-Hazm, the capital of the governorate, which included women and children on the pretext that they were related to the fighters in the ranks of legitimacy, with the raid of about 90 citizens' homes. and blew up dozens of homes.
At that time, the militias also rushed to confiscate citizens’ money from the new edition, launched intensive campaigns on various shops to loot the currency, closed the gold market and imposed exorbitant levies, which caused a terrible deterioration in the living situation of citizens, and the militias caused a complete collapse of basic services that were available during the legitimate control of the governorate.
As the Iranian arm disrupted all services in the city of Hazm, including stopping health services at Al-Jawf General Hospital in the city, which was providing services to about half a million people, in addition to converting government and educational headquarters into military barracks for its members, which disrupted its tasks and services to citizens.
In the electricity sector, the militias stopped government support for the power station and turned it into a private sector, with a double increase in the price of electricity and a reduction in operating hours from 24 hours to about 6 hours, accompanied by frequent firefighting that often leads to its interruption for consecutive days, causing material and financial damage to farmers and traders. Shop owners and professions are estimated at billions of riyals, and the damage has affected more than 300,000 people.
The militias’ damage to the residents of the governorate did not stop there, as government reports indicate that the mines and explosive devices they planted have killed and injured 910 people from Al-Jawf, including women and children, since they took control of the governorate.
In addition, the militias deliberately dealt with arbitrary and provocative measures with the tribes of the governorate with the aim of humiliating them and subjugating them by force, and these measures varied between arresting a number of tribesmen on flimsy pretexts and sometimes without reason, as happened with the sons of the tribes of Bani Nouf, Dahm and Al Maraziq, and it came to killing a number of them in The militias’ checkpoints during varying periods, and the fuel locomotives belonging to the tribesmen were stopped.
The scene reached its climax recently, with the militias attempting to expand on lands belonging to the Hamedan tribe near Al-Hazm, the capital of the governorate, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes between the militias and armed men of the tribe, which left dead and wounded and damaged two Houthi kits and armored vehicles, in a violent response that the militia leadership might not have expected.
Tribal sources believe that the reaction initiated by the Hamedan tribes reflects the growing anger among the Jawf tribes against the practices and violations of the Houthi militia, and the possibility of a comprehensive tribal uprising against the militias.
It referred to the step taken by the sheikhs and dignitaries of the Dahm and Al-Jawf tribes belonging to the tribes (Dhu Hussain, Al-Faqman, Hamadan, Bani Nouf, Al-Mahabib, and Ashraf Al-Jawf), the largest of the Al-Jawf tribes, by signing the "tribal covenant" document, which contains a covenant baptized and covered in blood, to confront any aggression It may affect it, in a move that terrified the leadership of the Houthi militia.
Where the sources revealed that the leadership of the Houthi group hastened to send the leader, the militia supervisor in Al-Jawf, Mohsen Qasham, to arbitrate the Hamdan tribe tribally and apologize to it on its behalf, considering that what happened individual actions will be held accountable for those responsible.
Which reflects the extent of the group’s fears of the scenario of the return of the province falling FROM its hand and what this constitutes a painful blow to it, given the strategic importance of Al-Jawf’s geographical location of the oil and gas fields in Marib, and its important location, which turned it into an ideal platform for Houthi missiles and marches towards the interior of Yemen and neighboring countries.