A diesel shipment for electricity in Shabwa ignites a crisis between Ataq and Ma'rib

English - Sunday 04 September 2022 الساعة 03:30 pm
Marib, NewsYemen:

A diesel shipment confiscated by gunmen in the city of Marib ignited a crisis between the neighboring governorates of Shabwa and Marib.

The diesel shipment was intended for Shabwa electricity, and it was cut off, looted and its cargo was unloaded, without the local and security authorities of Marib moving to arrest the perpetrators and recover the shipment.

This incident provoked the anger and indignation of the Shabwa tribes, who considered what the armed men of the Ma'rib tribes had done as a blatant challenge to tribal norms and traditions.

In this regard, tribal and political sources accuse the local authority in Marib of colluding with the intermittent, threatening to do the same for the locomotives passing through Shabwa towards Marib.

Politician Fahd bin al-Dhib al-Khulaifi says, "After what happened to the Shabwa diesel electric shipment, which was looted and emptied with the knowledge of the local authority in Marib. What if the people of Shabwa prevent everyone who belongs to Marib, individuals, locomotives and goods, from passing through Shabwa?"

He added, "Oh people of Marib, all your roads pass through Shabwa from all directions, and you will only have the Houthi-Sana'a road. Advice, do not mess with Shabwa."

Meanwhile, Sheikh Al-Qibli, Salem Abu Zaid Al-Khulaifi, threatened, in a post on his Twitter account, to detain the locomotives heading to Ma'rib in response to the diesel locomotive's detention.

He said, "The leadership in Shabwa gave us the green light to seize the locomotives of Ma'rib. The road is with us, and you know it well. A sheikh cuts off in Ma'rib and a sheikh cuts off in Shabwa, and the desert is darker, and the Arabs only die together."

A state of chaos prevails in Marib due to the recent movements of the Brotherhood, after putting down their rebellion against the Presidential Leadership Council and the local authority in Shabwa governorate and ending their hegemony and presence there.

The Brotherhood tightened its grip on Marib politically, militarily, and security forces and used it as a center to support the rebels in Shabwa with reinforcements that were dealt with before its arrival.