Hadramout renews its demand to expel the Brotherhood after they shot the unarmed

English - Sunday 13 February 2022 الساعة 07:05 pm
Seiyun, NewsYemen, Private:

Hundreds of people from the districts of Sah, Tarim, Al-Sum and Al-Qattan protested yesterday in front of the military points of the First Military District at the western and eastern entrance to Seiyun, to prevent them from passing to the Seiyun march of million people.

The crowds, who were shot by the soldiers, demanded under the direct guidance of the leader of the Brotherhood in Yemen Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and a communication from the Staff of the 135th Brigade Yahya Muhammad Abu Auja to prevent the crowd’s processions from passing, to expel the entire army forces from Wadi Hadhramaut and the desert from the people of the north and replacing them with southern and Hadrami forces to manage the security and army file and preserve the dignity and rights of citizens.

The protesters raised slogans and placards at the Al-Ghorfa Point and the public market in the Cotton Directorate, denouncing the ban on crowds from passing to Seiyun, and other phrases calling for the speedy departure of the first military region from Wadi Hadhramaut.

And a military force raided, at dawn today, the headquarters of the Southern Transitional Council in the Cotton Directorate, led by the officer in the first military region, "Abdullah Ziyad", and arrested a number of leaders for hours inside a military barracks in the directorate, in addition to their possession and tampering with the contents and devices of the headquarters.