Iran's arm..a conflict of wings and mutual accusations of corruption, regionalism and hypocrisy

English - Thursday 22 July 2021 الساعة 06:22 pm
Sana'a, NewsYemen, a special report:

Recently, quarrels and media insults have escalated between leaders and activists of the Houthi militia, the Iranian arm in Yemen, on the pages of social networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter.

Observers describe the escalation of insults and accusations of treason, employment and hypocrisy between the leaders and activists of the Houthi militia on the pages of social networking sites as a true reflection of the intensity of the hidden conflicts between the wings that lead the militias inside the capital, Sanaa, which are fighting for influence and power and using them to pass their interests and the interests of his supporters and those affiliated with him.

The charges of corruption, regionalism, and failure to confront betrayal, employment and hypocrisy

Over the past two weeks, social networking sites have witnessed reciprocal campaigns between the activists and leaders of the Houthi militia, where the first team leads a group of activists who have been known for their desperate defense of Ansar Allah since the movement's coup and its seizure of power on September 21, 2014. They also played a major role in fueling accusations and treason campaigns.  And they were the spearhead in inciting the killing of former President Ali Saleh and the subsequent violations against his family and against the leaders and members of the General People's Congress after the martyrdom of his companion, Aref Al-Zoka, at the hands of the Houthi militia on December 4, 2017, while standing at the head of the other party, the leader and the most influential  In the Houthi militia, Ahmed Hamid (Abu Mahfouz), who is the director of the presidential office in the Houthi militia authority.

While he appeared to be very upset by the accusations campaigns that are littered with social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, Houthi leader Ahmed Hamed hastened to respond to his critics by citing a number of Quranic verses that talk about hypocrisy and hypocrites, and he published some tweets in which he accused his critics of being tools for their work.  In favor of what he called the aggression and accusations of treason and collaborating on them, which led to the intensification of his critics, who accused him of corruption, nepotism, nepotism, regionalism, and his practice of dictatorship and repression against his opponents.  It is not a personal opinion, but rather it is setting a course and drawing a policy, describing his talk about hypocrisy and faith as (signs of authoritarianism and tyranny).

For his part, the former leader of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee and a staunch defender of the Houthi militia, Muhammad al-Maqaleh, described the leader, Ahmed Hamid, as a burned man for the majority of people.  And he said in a tweet to him, commenting on the accusations of treason and hypocrisy with which Hamid described his critics: Do not stop in front of what Abu Mahyub says of nonsense, as the man has been burned by most people, and the more he goes into his sermons, the more he is burned by those who preach them and he is the first to preach, and to know that what he says is nonsense  Nonsense and has nothing to do with the content of behavior and practice. Just ask him about the reason for the arrest of his press secretary, may God set him free.

The leader and political and media activist in the Houthi militia, Ali al-Sanani, wrote a series of tweets in which he attacked Hamed and accused him of weakness and failure and seeking to cover his inability and weakness with authoritarianism and oppression.  The Houthis) absolutely, not to mention the others!!" He added: "The insistence on keeping him in his position will be seen by many of the supporters (Houthi militias) as a determination to insult and humiliate them!!  The rejected regionalist," he concluded, "that this position does not suit him at all, and the harm of staying in it is much more than the benefits of continuing."

Houthi disputes..a struggle of wings over influence and corruption

Political sources close to the Houthi militia in Sanaa reveal to NewsYemen that the campaigns of mutual accusations and treason between Houthi leaders and activists are mainly due to the existence of a hidden and raging conflict between several wings within the militias that are struggling to gain influence that helps them to practice the greatest amount of corruption and steal money without account or  censorship.

The sources said that there are several wings fighting within the Houthi militia, where Ahmed Hamed leads the most prominent and powerful wing within the movement, while the leader and uncle of the militia leader who holds the position of Interior Minister Abdul Karim al-Houthi leads a second wing, and the third wing is led by Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, who is a member of the Political Council  The highest authority in the militias, in addition to giving him the position of head of the justice system that dominates the judiciary. As for the fourth wing, it is represented by the Hashemite leaders from Sana’a, Ibb, Taiz and other governorates, who were overthrown in favor of Hashemite leaders from Saada, including leaders from the house of the minister, al-Kabsi, al-Shami, and al-Junaid.

According to the sources, Hamed - who was appointed by the militias as director of the president's office in early January 2018, less than a month after the assassination of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his companion Aref Al-Zoka and the absence of any opposition to it within the authority that was formed by agreement between the two parties to manage the affairs of the country before the Houthi militia turned against him - is gaining strength  From his close association with the militia leader and his assumption of the management of all the tasks of the executive side by exploiting his position as director of the office of the presidency, where he became the first supervisor of all appointment decisions that are issued in various state institutions, which enabled him to appoint followers, close associates and loyalists to him and marginalize and exclude any opponent or person  It is affiliated with any other leader within the militia.

In addition to his administrative control, Hamed enjoys strong financial influence and oversight over all the money that the militias collect, whether through taxes, customs, zakat, duties and fundraising, and his control over the funds of the independent funds that his office imposed direct supervision on, or through his acquisition and theft of relief aid funds.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs from international organizations through its direct supervision of the so-called Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The sources added: Hamed’s administrative and financial influence enabled him to communicate daily and directly with the militia leader’s office and provide them with information about all the details and in a way that serves him and his interests, influence and supporters, noting that Hamed and his team provide daily bribes to workers in the militia leader’s office on one hand and on the other.  Second, the transfer of huge sums of money for the benefit of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi personally, which makes him obtain strong support from the latter, making him stronger control and influence and ability to confront the rest of the leaders of the other wings who have come to feel their weakness and loss of their powers, not to mention their inability to cope with the state of corruption and looting practiced by Hamid, who is without  Doubt explains their strong support for activists, media professionals and politicians who are leading the accusations campaign against Hamed and his team.

The sources conclude by saying: These differences reflect the failure of the militias and evidence that they are just a gang that practices corruption and thefts, along with killings and war against the Yemeni people, but at the same time it may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back if it continues to escalate, especially since many of the supporters  And the followers of the Houthi militias see that what Hamed, his team and the rest of their leaders have reached in Sana’a of extreme wealth, and what they now own of money, homes, real estate and cars, are all at the expense of their sacrifices, poverty, and exclusion from the race for influence over power and financial corruption.