Motion Graphics: New Zakat Banks in the Houthi Religion

English - Tuesday 06 October 2020 الساعة 03:40 pm
Aden, NewsYemen, Exclusive:

The Houthi militia rearranged those entitled to zakat banks in a way that suits their leaders.

Before that, the Houthi militia created the so-called Zakat Authority, with the mission of plundering Yemeni money, for the benefit of the leaders of Iran's arm.

A press investigation, supported by documents published by the Yemen Site website, documented hundreds of millions of thefts of Houthi leaders.

 According to the investigation, the leader, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, received huge sums of money from zakat revenues under the heading of "those working on it", while Yusef Al-Madani got tens of millions under the item "The weakly faithful."

NewsYemen channel, on YouTube, publishes a motion graphic video, showing the new zakat banks that the militia leader, Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, has introduced, after he changed the zakat law and imposed the five for the Hashemite families affiliated with him.