Motion: Brotherhood's Coup In Taiz
English - Friday 23 August 2019 الساعة 08:39 pm
Islah Party, the local branch of the Brotherhood in Yemen, launched a coup against local authority in the province of Taiz
They inaugurated their coup by dismissing Brigadier General Abdul Karim Al-Sam'ae, the security director of the Shamayatain Directorate appointed by the governor of Taiz
Meanwhile, the militia of Muslim Brotherhood launched a battle against the 35 armored brigade forces in Taiz countryside, terrorized the population, and launched also a campaign to control Al-Bireen area
They expelled the displaced families in the city of Turbah, accusing them of being "Zaidis"
Here Screenshots that features the Brotherhood's coup against the legitimate local authority in Taiz, including the launching of an armed campaign rejected by Governor Nabil Shamsan and approved by the Islah Party