Unity of the North and the State of the South .. get Rid of tiring
English - Wednesday 07 August 2019 الساعة 10:15 am
The Southern Transitional Council is a regulatory institution in the South, in the north part of Yemen and till now, we are still dividing among: Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar in Marib province, Abdulmalik al-Houthi in the Capital Sana'a and Tariq Saleh on the West Coast of Yemen
The Northern Forces are unable to represent the North, their efforts and their awareness must be focused on the North, either fight or hold ally among themselves so as to come out a result concerning the North. After that, they will either come to terms with the Southern forces, or even fight with them which wins impose its terms
Now, talking about the Unity is like talking about the Disability, deception, a kind of mercenary under the motto that no one can impose his terms on the North first
For example, a citizen loyal to Houthi which the second evacuates Sana'a from its Unity, empties Sa'ada, Amran, and Hajjah of their united components then he came to talk about the Unity with the South..
Or a displaced person or a resident in a hotel or in a tent or a fugitive... He is looking for security for himself or herself...
These are facts created by the parties and they should consider managing them, or competing attracting people to the land under their control. It gives them a model
A party or a model tell the people the Unity 'where I have my power', every citizen, under my control, is protected, the parties must stop its harm, criticism and fight to other parties, then people has the right to choose
Being civilians, it is shameless to sit down and slap one another
All parties push us to conflict to each other, and then do not give to those who follow it anything worthy, just to mobilize his fears of the other, and trick it in wars with the other, but for it is an ally, it does neither see it nor acknowledge it..it is disable to serve it or to get united with it
The lies of Legitimacy, Unity and Separation are like the lies of the Qur'anic march, created by the Houthi militias, its parties keep people hanging their hearts with slogans in order not to demand their interests or services
Today, Aden needs a State for the interests of the people, a State extends its influence in liberated areas, pardon me, in the North, in Marib and in Tehama ( the West Coast of Yemen) will not accept the Unity governed by a State of the Transitional Council .. these reveal the falsity and the mottos' lies of the Unity who called themselves the Unionists .or the Unity supporters
So, establishing a Southern State but a State separates the dispute of the parties of the Republic of Yemen a State that does not consider or talk about what had happened earlier, a New State..
A State that is considered to restore the Southern State that has been ended, and who controlled it has been ended in the North
A separated State and independent from the past, belonging to the present and the future ..
The separation of the Unity was carried out by Sana'a; the Houthi Separatist State seceded and crushed the remaining few veins of the Unit 1994, which was the one that crushed the Unity of 1990
Separation of the Conflicts of the Republic of Yemen is the real test for the Southern Elites, it could not be establish a Southern State against the North, the North has no longer united or existed as a State, It is a must to establish a State, its capital in Aden; let us ignore the talks about before your country's birthday ..