Islah Party in Taiz backed by Qatar, Mufti Taiz Military Axis, ignorance speech recovered by Sayyid Qutb against Belt Forces, the South
English - Monday 05 August 2019 الساعة 05:59 pm
Same as Sayyid Qutb and his talks about the ignorance of society, the most prominent Islah leaders in Taiz, the Mufti of Taiz Military Axis and the Islah headquarters came out with a similar Fatwa about the Ignorance of the Beloved Aden, as well as he wrote an offensive title in general without even talked about perpetrators of some abuses against ordinary people over Thursday's attacks
The Judge Ali al-Qadhi targeted the Security Belt Forces who were already slaughtered upon the martyrdom of a group of the most prominent leaders and officers, the judge named the Security Belt Forces as the " Regional Belt", he accused the Security Belt Forces of attacking innocent northerners people, the judge considered it not only a regional injustice, but a work seek to create waves of revenge that include all Yemen
The Sheikh of Brotherhood Ali al-Qadhi, the secretary of the branch of the Iman University in Taiz, considered what the Security Belt is doing is more dirtier war than the Houthi war, because it is not based on ideological or contractual differences, or on oppression, but a war based on being from another city
The fact that the Security Forces are more dangerous than the Houthi militias, despite the fact that he recognized as a cleric that there is no contractual dispute with the Belt Forces, reveals that the targeted campaign against Sheikh Hani bin Brik, and the martyrdom of Abu al-Yamamah, and the incitement and the fueling of sedition what's going on are systematic work, not a reaction that can be linked to the campaign about what is happening
The Islah Party in Taiz is prompting to all what is related to the forces of the Transitional Council after many voices in the South have begun to talk about the hegemony and acquisition of Islah over Taiz and Marib and the risks of this acquisition, and include militias in the Legitimate army in Taiz and turn it into a purely partisan army
Gloating of the Thursday's attacks carried out by activists affiliated with the Qatar and the Brotherhood was intended to provoke parties and individuals in the South to react negatively towards northerners and Taiz in particular because the voice of Taiz on social media platforms is strong, this is what Doha and its media are seeking, run by the International Brotherhood Organization
Islah party in Taiz, for example, did not issue a statement condemning the Houthi and al-Qaeda crimes against Aden on Thursday, but issued a statement when the systematic campaign began promoting forced displacement and abuse of citizens based on the identity; the conviction was linked to the attacks by condemning the events after the attacks in a trend that confirms continued incitement and vilification to condemnation, seeking to show the Security Belt Forces irregular and not disciplined
Sheikh Ali al-Qhadi concludes that all members at the Southern Transitional Council are not related to Islam religious, since he speaks about the South as a result of ignorance, injustice and tyranny, that is the logic of Sayyid Qutb