Houthi militias justify mutilation of dead body of Qasherah
English - Tuesday 23 July 2019 الساعة 03:50 pm
Not only mutilated the Houthi militias the dead body of the tribal leader Mujahed Qasherah but also went to issue an important statement describing and justifying Qasherah as being one of the childhood's killers.
The Houthi statement considered the militias' crime taken place on Monday as a security achievement, amid pulling and killing Qasherah's dead body in a dirt road, beating him with rifle butts in an incident have not been seen in Yemen before.
The Houthi militias accused Qasherah, who was one of Houthi militias' members, of looting 36 cars in the Capital Sana'a and in some other provinces, killing a child and killing two civilians of al-Shatawi.