Stopping power generators double suffering of al-Khukhah's people
English - Monday 22 July 2019 الساعة 06:25 pm
The power outage in the Coastal district of al-Khukhah has doubled the suffering of the population in a time a severe heat is gripping the coastal areas approaching 37 degrees Celsius.
Local residents reported that the temperature is increasing, while the electricity has been cut off for 10 days. The residents expressed their discontent with the interruption until they received the Governor of al-Hodeida Hassan Taher during his visit to the district on Sunday, shouting and demanding the electricity.
Taher paid a visit to the district to launch the clean-up campaign, but the residents' demand revealed the inability of the Legitimate government to rehabilitate the executive offices and return services to the district.
Residents suffer power failure for 10 days and are likely to continue after the electricity office has unable to buy the diesel, It reveals suspicions over corruption.
Al-Khukhah has five generators provided by the UAE Red Crescent with a production capacity of up to 2 MW, but the generators have been stopped generating power due to lack of fuel.
The district center needs 5 megawatts to supply the population with electric power to operate air conditioners, while rural areas need similar power generators.
The residents of al-Hodeida are demanding the governor to move his office in Aden province into al-Khukhah district in al-Hodeida and work on the return of the administrative and service offices in all the liberated districts to work.
They also demanded that the governor and Local Authority to connect the district with the steam station in Mocha in order to continue supplying the electricity.