Houthi summer centers for children: they die to keep Houthi alive

English - Thursday 18 July 2019 الساعة 04:27 pm
Sana'a – NewsYemen.net


"My colleague student was one of the smartest students in our class. One of the Houthi teachers suggested that if he attended a cultural course with them, he would raise his secondary level to be one of the al-Mujahideen or fighters. After the student came back from the Houthi course, he suffered from nightmares. He later became addicted to narcotic pills that the teacher puts on his tea. His character changed completely and became a failure, even after his father moved him to another school and moved to the 50th Street, "a student at Kuwait High School described the case of one of his colleagues who was attracted and recruited by Houthi teachers to be taught with the Houthi militias.

At al-Hasan Ben Ali School in Mathbah area, a Houthi teacher of Holy Quran recruited 28 students in different ways, and pushed them to the fronts for a sum of money (30 thousand riyals) for each student, and after going to the fronts only ten returned, while 18 students were killed on the fronts, they returned them dead bodies, it is difficult to identify them as their bodies were torn pieces, a teacher at the school said.

On his Twitter page, the leader of Houthi militias Hussein al-Azi celebrates the success of his group in attracting 300,000 students to the summer centers in the areas of control of the group. This is a terrifying figure anyway. Had Houthi gained only 10%, he would have had a large army of fighters, there is no terrorist group does have such amount of fighters in the world.

One week after the inauguration of the summer centers in Sana'a, a group of children passed by on a medium-sized bus in al-Dairi road in Sana'a, chanting the Houthi Cry with a high voice, as if it were a parade by the group.

A teacher belonging to the group while he was boasting before his colleagues that the young students absorbed the handouts or books of the founder of the Houthi group Hussein Houthi faster than adults, and that the wheel of the (State - al-Welayah) will not go back, he said.

To keep students in the summer centers remain and go on, Houthi militias imposed meals on restaurants, without paying to restaurants' owners. In order to devote loyalty to the leader of the group, which is the main objective of these centers, they provide transportation allowances to the students, it is said to them, the transportation allowances are gifts from al-Sayyad, Abdulmalik al-Houthi.

The summer centers started in Sa'ada province as the most important activity practiced by the group when it was established as the "Youth Believers Forum." It then became the "Youth Believers Organization" to suggest that it became an organization with organized followers and believed in the sectarian Houthi sect, they believe in the Houthi sectarian doctrine, loyalty to the one family till the  degree of sanctification, and then expanded in Hajjah, Amran, al-Jawf, Dhamar and Sana'a, as the most important source to increase the group followers loyal fighters ideologically.

The most dangerous activities are those that urge students to "Jihad" and die for God's sake, or in a practice to strengthen the control of Abdulmalik and his followers over power, as Houthis believes, He was chosen by God for this task, as they say. They convince students over the loyalty of Abdulmalik as he is their only way to the paradise.

Disloyalty of Abdulmalik al-Houthi or unwillingness to sacrifice their souls and money, deprives them of the intercession of the Prophet on the Day of Resurrection, because the Prophet for them is the grandfather of Abdulmalik, which is the Science of this Time chosen by God for the State, at the same time the lack of loyalties means the continuation of loyalty of the tyrant America.

The recruiters for Jihad saw videos of Daesh Terrorist Organization, the recruiters are convinced by Houthi leaders that they are going to fight Daesh.   

A student from Damt district in al-Dhale' province participated in the Houthi course before two years, before months he was skilled while he was fighting along with the Houthi militias.

Father comments on his son's death " since my son went with the Houthi group, he is no longer my son, he life owned by Abdulmalik, he obeyed the Houthi supervisor than me, he refused my order to return him to his school to study,  justifying that he sold himself to God and the his master Abdulmalik, means his death and his life are no longer important to me, he is not my son that I raised him, he disobey, what is the benefits of his life or still alive, if he stayed alive, he would spoil his younger brothers".