Inte'l organizations returned water project for free .. Houthi mandatory campaign to collect water bills in Sana'a

English - Tuesday 16 July 2019 الساعة 05:41 pm
Sana'a –

The Houthi militias have launched a massive campaign to collect water bill arrears for years, forced citizens in Sana'a, despite stopping of the water project from most of the neighborhoods.

Water and Sanitation Institution, controlled by the Houthi militias in Sana'a, cut off water from citizens' houses who were unable to pay money because of their financial inability and because of the suspension of the government employees' salaries for more than two years, local residents NewsYemen.

They added that the Institution teams have closed drainage outlets, pointing out that the teams came down to the residential neighborhoods accompanied by armed militias to suppress citizens who object to the cut water and block the sewage network.

Local sources confirmed that the Houthi militia closed sewerage networks on a number of houses, offices and shops, in many neighborhoods in Sana'a, including in Haddah, Hayel, Shoub and al-Safia districts.

While a source in the Water and Sanitation Institution said to NewsYemen that international organizations have ensured since the beginning of the year 2019 to restore the public water project for all areas in Sana'a.

He stressed that foreign organizations have ensured all operating expenses, wages and costs of water pumps and solar energy systems, and did not request that there will not be payment or financial participation are asked to be given by citizens.

An employee at the Institution said the Houthi militias could have asked to pay symbolic fees for subscription, but they have not right to impose citizens to pay fees of the past years when the water service did not exist primarily.

This is an exploitation and an increase in the poor conditions of citizens who suffer from difficult living conditions, the employee added.

Citizens complained that the Houthi militias controlled water pumping in several residential neighborhoods in Sana'a.