Houthi "banditry": 150 million to open al-Dhale' - Ibb road

English - Monday 15 July 2019 الساعة 08:28 am
Al-Dhale' – NewsYemen.net

The Houthi militias have imposed large sums of money on Qat farmers,  and Qat sellers in markets in return for reopening the road between Ibb and al-Dhale' provinces.

According to testimonies reported by NewsYemen that the Houthi militias asked residents in areas under the militias control to pay Y.R 150,000,000 in order to open the road and allow them to market Qat in Qa'tabah district and al-Dhale'.

Blackmailing and plundering are another war imposed by the militias on citizens, farmers, sellers and transport drivers between Ibb and al-Dhale'.