Internal Recommendation asks for Islah militias to assassinate al-Shamiri
English - Friday 05 July 2019 الساعة 05:56 pm
An internal recommendation inside the Information Office of the Islah Party revealed to the Military Security Branches for implementation of Islah assassinations of all those who oppose its project to rule and control the rest areas in Taiz province so as to keep it under the Party's control.
The recommendation confirmed that directed by the Information Office of the Islah in Taiz to the leaders of Battalions, leaders of the National Army, and leaders of the Popular Crowd Militias, that also named in the recommendation as " the Popular Resistance", the importance to kill the Yemeni journalist and activist Abdulsattar al-Shamiri, who started to talk about the Islah party and its project in Taiz.
Al-Shamiri was arrested by the 22nd Armored Brigade before leaving for Cairo because of real fears for his life from the Islah Party.