Houthi .. from Khomeini to Imam .. What is the main secret of choosing February 11 and September 21?
English - Saturday 29 June 2019 الساعة 05:48 pm
The events' dates and slogans have a considerable importance to the groups that rely too heavily on propaganda and a public opinion industry.
Where did the date of February 11 come from? that was considered by the youths of squares as a history of the 2011 Uprising, even though they staged protests on squares mid-February. The Brotherhood activist Tawakul Karman fought a wide debate among youth to impose such a date so as to impose this specific date.
Where did the date of September 21 come from? A date that the Houthi militias carried out a coup against the State's institution, the Republic of Yemen, then later considered the date a Revolution while in fact they invaded Sana'a before this date. The Houthi militias planned to sign what it is called "peace and partnership document" that brought the country from peace into war and removed it from partnership to the Individual acquisition on September, 21, 2014; and the UN envoy for Yemen Jamal Ben Omar stayed in Sa'ada until they managed to control the capital Sana'a, including the State's most prominent civil and military institutions.
Where did the Houthis' slogan "death and curse" come com known as the "Cry" or "al-Sarkha" in 2002?
Khomeini, the leader of the so-called Islamic Revolution in Iran, returned from Paris to Tehran on February 1, 1979, but the date of overthrown of Shah was delayed till February 11 of the same year. So that the date was adopted as a day of the Revolution in Iran.
In the sixth war between the Houthis and the Yemeni army, and under the Qatari mediation that led to severe differences between Riyadh and Sana'a, the cease-fire between parties to the conflict was declared and the sixth round of war ended on February 11, 2010.
Within a year, the Houthis and the Brotherhood were cooperating and partnering, including some some independent, nationalist and leftist youth in the Uprising against the Regime of the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
The Muslim Brotherhood was also a tremendous ally in the Khomeini Revolution in Iran, and the most prominent Houthi - Brotherhood consensus in the 2011 arenas or squares.
Independent Youths or who are belonging to small parties do not have great media propaganda that allow them to raise their voices and show their orientation for the public opinion, they were used by the two parties, the Houthis and the Brotherhood, as a bridge to achieve their objectives.
It is a clear that February, 11, 2011 is the anniversary of the Iranian revolution which is also adopted by the Houthis an anniversary of stopping war against them.
... The Houthi militias have the right intellectual rights to choose the appropriate date of this anniversary, February, 11.
On September 21, 1962, Mohammad al-Badr, the son of Imam Ahmed, it has been pledged allegiance to al-Badr to be the king of the North of Yemen, al-Badr's reign lasted only five days where the Yemeni people declared a Revolution against the Imam and declared the establishment of Republic of Yemen on September, 26, 1962.
Because the Houthis is an idea and ambition who want to restore the regime of Imam to Yemen, they put the date of the last Imam's pledge to restart what is called " their right to rule Yemen".
It is worth to mention it that the Houthi leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi did not acknowledge the September, 26, 1962 as a Revolution, he did not deliver just a speech on this occasion that is established the Republic of Yemen and the Republican Regime.
The 'Houthi Cry' which was announced in 2002 till now, it was the public inauguration and loyalty to Tehran, it is the same Cry or Slogan that Khomeini raised it against Shah in February 1979.
The Houthis have outstripped their propaganda and their excessive use of their goals against the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the fact that the latter possess a powerful media machine, but they have employed it for side and the interests of the Houthis until today.
Iran, practically, is the regional director of the Muslim Brotherhood, its relationship to the Morsi regime, Hamas and Qatar, is a clear indicator of this, in addition to other indicators.