Nabil al-Soufi : visitor's impressions of Shabwa: Elite .. Integrity, safety
English - Tuesday 25 June 2019 الساعة 04:40 pm
One of the ugliest move the Legitimacy of the Brotherhood "for those who did not obey Allah" is to rob local communities and talk in their behalf.
Taiz problem is not yet solved. Today, they are talking on behalf of a Unit 'as a whole ' ? against Shabwa province. "When you go to Shabwa province, you will find its villages and its markets as if you were in Yemen in 1993.
Early, I wrote about "Ayn Ba-Ma'abad" a small village, now It became a market, when I came out from Sana'a, I traveled to al-Shir (Ash-Shihr) city from Aden province, It was the first travel after I came out from the Capital Sana'a.
I was expelled by the Houthis in the Capital Sana'a, I was arrested twice in al-Dhale', I was arrested once in Lahj province, Aden was threatened me many times. Taiz itself stays celebrates our fall", Sana'a is waiting gallows....
Abyan security checkpoints asked you " What do you have, / Where do you go ", I know that I entered Abyan security checkpoints when I was gotten this question... a society that has nothing to do with senior conflicts.
In Shabwa province, this a great community, this a luxury in everything, they build their homes as if there houses alone are bound to be built in a way the life is told how the houses of Shabwa are generous, extended and high.
This community, which I have written about it many times since my fist visit in 1997...
In a first security checkpoint that I had met, asked me" Do you find an army in Yemen like this''?
"Young people, Youths, all in the age of power and strength, a new generation, tidy and clean, at the same time they act calmly and confidently."
I did not feel secure in Shabwa since I knew the province, I feel secure in the era of the Elite Forces; I told you about myself weeks after I left the Capital Sana'a, the meaning is: I am still accused in the whole South as the same as in the North.
Today, the sons of the Legitimacy still like and believe the Houthi militias' leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi, but I swear by the name of Allah that I did not like and believe the militias, I have no right to do a new joint meeting, I repent as they repented in their past.
The Shabwa Elite Forces shine roads that have not been known for decades, military camps are light, every security checkpoint has electricity, houses, bathrooms and tents, ''If someone stopped his car at the side of the road, Elite Forces asked him " do you need help?.
"A young man, stand firmly and politely, do not ask you about politics, ask you to show him car's documents, he checks, you then smile and let you go"
A small car, a truck .. Goods .. Everything that moves on the land of the Elite is the highest degree of safety that is missing in whole Yemen.
Days, I could be said it was a para-State. Then they rebelled against it those who want to change. Today they, Legitimacy, may say changing is tired. They'd say, "We have been tired by the Shabwa Elite Forces, 'we have not been able to steal anything', 'we have not been able to loot anything' ' it is difficult to create chaos' or terrorist acts'.
Security checkpoints are bright, Enthusiastic, Honest, and Fair. They, Legitimacy, want to create a 'Revolution' against the Elite Forces, Corruption needs to still live, and corruption becomes its name Legitimacy which holds the neck of the Unity that will not let it go until it cut the last breath of human being in Yemen.
People are upset about this name " The Elite / al-Nukhbah", They did not like new names, as long as they called themselves " Change Agents".
" Tehama'' extends its restaurants .. its displaced people.. its traders along the roads of the Elite, is this a unity or need to Ali Mohsen's oil trucks so as to say this is a Unity?.
This is another pain to the Legitimacy and its corruption. Where will the men of Ali Mohsen, including Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi himself, continue their actions, if all the communities and peoples in Yemen coexist in this way?
However, to realize that, the Shabwa's Unity is not like your Unity in 1994, it is a unit under the leadership of the people of the province itself .. The unity of the law today, a citizen lives in Ataq as you live in Amran ..It is not good to come to Shabwa to test the spirit of the Unity in Shabwa province so as to loot its sources and You appoint yourself a government or a sponsor on the people of the province.
While your province still talks about the Ethnic strata of the society " Original and non-original Yemeni society ".
Leave the security to the people of the province.. They are its sons, at a time of wars, they will not leave and flee, and they will not change their clothes to be with a new opponent coming from far other provinces, May Allah protect 'Shabwa and its people' safe and secure.