Houthi asks Arabs, foreigners entry visas to enter from Aden to Sana'a
English - Thursday 20 June 2019 الساعة 10:40 am
The Southern Transition Council (STC) is a New Body representing the aspirations of the southerners for any political merits for a political solution in Yemen.
The STC is subjected to dubious beats by paid pens at the expense of Doha regime that raised questions, sometimes it is classified as a Houthi ally, and sometimes unfairly in the policy of selecting its members.
Funded campaigns
The time that the Houthi militias is busy to launch its offensive campaigns funded by Tehran, Ankara and Doha against the Council, the Council is busy to confront the Houthi invasion against the South, transfer the injured to hospitals either inside or outside as well as concerning the issues related to the South. Such offensive campaigns against the South and its Council will not degrade the Council's value.
Heavy losses
The Southern Resistance Forces has inflicted the Iranian-backed-Houthi militias in many Yemeni provinces heavy losses, in particular in al-Dhale' province.
Secessionist entity
The Houthi militia classifies the Southern Transitional Council as a separatist entity and calls it the "separatist council", at the time the armed militias themselves had forgotten itself " it is unrecognized government".
The Southern Transitional Council is a political body in Southern Yemen , its presidential body was announced on 11 May 2017.
The Council Presidential Body gathered its majority governors of the Southern and eastern provinces of Yemen; the provinces that were geographically known as the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. The Council also includes ministers and deputy governors. The council was established in September 2016.