Islah Party could not lift garbage in front of its balcony in Taiz city
English - Sunday 16 June 2019 الساعة 06:08 pm
Taiz province is divided between the Legitimate Authority and the Houthi militias' control which the latter are still seizing control al-Hodeida road and Sana'a - Ibb road as well as Taiz-Aden road starting from the strategic area of al-Hawban north of Taiz pass to Demnat Khadeer district.
In the Legitimacy areas in Taiz city there are nothing make you feel that these land squares are linked to the State's authority as if there is no a real state to serve the people in the city or at least show a little moral interest to inspire people that they are concerned with their daily life.
The local authority in Taiz does not have a bulldozer to drift the flood damage caused by a rainy season, which caused the destruction of roads in many Taiz districts.
Sewage drainage needs simple efforts so as to remove some waste pollution what mixed with rainwater on streets, turning most areas into an environmental disaster increases the health situation in the province.
The governor of Taiz, for the second month, is out of the country and his deputy, the first undersecretary , fails to provide garbage boxes in the main and largest streets in Taiz city, Jamal St. that its small sidewalk turns into a waste dump.
The First Undersecretary of Taiz spent Y.R 3,000,000 for those who deserve the this amount, the amount is enough to buy garbage boxes so as to end disgusting scenes.
The disgusting scenes located under the Islah Party's headquarters building and in front of the province building as well as near Taiz Military Axis. Officers or employees are seeing daily waste scenes and they are daily inhaling unpleasant odors every day. Jamal Street has not been turned into a garbage dump except in the era of the State's headquarters which only cares of seizing power.
If the Islah Party dealt with cleaning Taiz as it dealt with its political opponents the situation in Taiz would be a model of cleanliness.
Taiz province lost important projects former governor Amin Mahmoud began to implement them, as well as he began looking for funding.
Three main projects for Taiz province were put by the former governor, pave al-Turbah - Haijet al-Abd road, Taiz- al-Turbah road, al-Turbah-Mocha road.
But Taiz city starts to lose important parts of 26th Street in downtown Taiz because of the great negligence.
Taiz residents have discovered that Mahmud's departure constituted the biggest loss to the city after the State's loss due to the Houthi coup, where no one of the local authority officials was talking about services, projects or a damage repair in the province.