Big battle approaches to liberate al-Fakher city, north of al-Dhale'
English - Monday 10 June 2019 الساعة 08:28 am
Resistance Forces have launched a military operation to liberate the strategic city of al-Fakher, north of al-Dhale' province late Saturday, a Newsyemen correspondent and a military source said.
Forces of the Joint Resistance and Southern Resistance have started targeting the Houthi militias' sites, especially in the eastern and the southern sides of al-Fakher city.
Meanwhile, the Coalition forces destroyed the Houthi gatherings in Bab Ghalb area, west of the liberated area of Shakhab, north of al-Dhale' province.
The Coalition destroyed a Houthi Katyusha launcher in Habil al-Kalb in al-Fakher Sunday noon.