Government Bill to classify Houthi militias as "terrorist group"
English - Wednesday 17 April 2019 الساعة 08:59 am
The Legitimate government submitted on Tuesday a draft law to classify the Houthi militias as a "terrorist group" to the Parliament.
This came during a session Tuesday, in the interim Parliament headquarter in Sayoun city in Hadramout province, in its extraordinary session held Saturday.
The draft law stipulated "that ...all those belonging to the Houthi group, individuals, its formations, its names, its reference, its higher councils and its committees, its civilians' supervisors, and its military or paramilitary or those who are classified as security military personnel'' is considered a terrorist group.
The draft law considered all the actions or moves that are taken by the Houthis group since its establishment and after it seized the State's power and forcibly overthrown it as criminal terrorism acts .
The Parliament called on the Attorney-General and the Relevant Procurators to bring criminal cases before the Competent Courts and to arrest each individual in the Houthi group and to issue criminal sentences against it.
The Parliament stressed that everything issued by the so-called Parliament, or prosecution or Police Departments, and all institutions run by the Houthi militias considered null and void and do not have any effects whether on the right of the State or its Individuals.
The draft law also emphasized the placing of all funds and properties of the Houthi group under preventive detention until the issuance of judicial rulings thereon.
The Yemeni parliament referred the draft law to its Constitutional Committee for studying and reviewing it, and raising the results the Parliament's next sessions.