Brotherhood in Taiz prepares to publicize Body against KSA, UAE
English - Thursday 21 March 2019 الساعة 05:11 pm
Activists affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood Organization, the Islah Party, prepared to announce the so-called 'the National Body for the Protection of Sovereignty', next Friday, in Taiz province, funded by the State of Qatar.
Dr. Faisal al-Hudhaifi, known of his hostile attitudes to the Arab Coalition, has posted on his Facebook page numerous posts of the National Body for Protection of Sovereignty's objectives.
"Al-Hudhaifi stressed the need to include in the declaration of the Authority the so-called "aggressor states and violators of the sovereignty such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia," in his context of comments about some members of the Body."
Al-Hudhaifi added that " If we are not able to name things by their names, we do not disagree with the silence of the president, his government team and the loyal parties, we will not add anything to our work".
Al-Hudhaifi said "We will not be in Taiz less patriotic and courageous than protesters in Aden and protesters in al-Mahra and Socotra".