YOCHT calls for inte'l intervention to stop Houthi violations against detainees, the judiciary
English - Tuesday 05 March 2019 الساعة 09:24 am
The Yemeni Organization for the Suppression of Human Trafficking (YOCHT) has called for an international intervention to stop detainees’ violations, and members of the judiciary who are unable to play their role in protecting the victims and joining the victims.
In a statement, the YOCHT said that the absence of the judiciary authorities in the areas of the Houthi de facto authorities, and its inability to impartially investigate or release a prisoner, around the Houthi control areas, it is the law of the jungle, where abuses are carried out unchecked.
It expressed its concern over the severe violations carried out by the Houthi militias on members of the judiciary at the courts and prosecutors in Sana'a and the areas run by the Houthi militias.
The YOCHT said that the judiciary is completely absent for issues affecting the society, at a time that the judiciary supposed to have a role in the investigation of the referred issues.
The armed militias put aside the judiciary role, as the Attorney General is unable to investigate cases of violations, especially the issue of detainees, and the enforced disappearances.
The danger of ignoring human rights violations encourages the human wolves of the Houthi leaders to continue committing atrocities against civilians, an unprecedented situation in Yemen's history, and will be a stigma on all those silent people against the innocents, it added.
It condemned the armed militias in honoring the main accused militias' leaders of kidnapping the female detainees, who are forcibly hidden by the Houthis, Sultan Zaben, Qabbas, al-Karar).
The YOCHT said that it obtained reliable information that a number of female prisoners were transferred from the Capital Sana'a to Amran city, north, and held them in basement of the sports stadium, which the Houthi militias turned it into a secret prison.
It added that the so-called Zaben and his followers referred the detainees' file, male and female, to Sana'a Prosecutions, Zaben ordered the heads of the Prosecution not to refer refer the files or to release them, and bring the detainees to trial even if the charges were not proven, while other heads refused.