Journalist Jamil al-Samet wrote "The Lost Republic" before abduction
English - Monday 11 February 2019 الساعة 04:35 pm
"The Lost Republic", is the last report was written by Jamil al-Samet before Taiz Military Police detained him in Taiz province at his house in bad health condition which it is said he suffers from dengue fever
Newsyemen translated some Arabic paragraphs into English:
In a new scandal involving in the Yemeni presidency of the 21st public decrees (had lost) during the beginning of the new year .. We entered a new year a month and a half of the following month, we have to be surprised by a Republican decree No. 22 of 2019, the new year.
The decree No. 22 is good, but it has been delayed, but we are not here to discuss it, because we agree with the decree totally, and we call for other decrees to be issued to move the rest of the State's institutions to the temporary capital of Aden
For who these decrees have been issued, in case they have been issued, why the Presidency did not declare their posts' incumbents.
The most important is the time when they have been issued whether at night or during the day, and whether issued by the President Hadi or the shadow of the Presidency represented by Abdullah al-Alimi, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and al-Yadoumi