Houthi uses "paid" gas as weapon to subdue Sana'a residents
English - Thursday 07 February 2019 الساعة 05:20 pm
Local residents said that the Houthi militias prevented the neighborhood's heads to sell the gas cylinders for families that do not participate in their special events, including sits-in or protests.
Residents complained that they had not received domestic gas cylinders for months after the neighborhoods' heads refused to sell them at the price approved in militia control areas.
Many residents were forced to take to the streets to collect plastics and wood for traditional food cooking.
"We have two options, either to let our men and women to participate in the Houthis' activities, or buy gas at a black market which costs for Y.R 10,000 ," says Um Waleed, commenting on the Houthi militias' prevention to sell gas cylinders for anti-Houthi's protests.