17th Brigade in Taiz recognizes to kidnap police officer in Taiz
English - Wednesday 06 February 2019 الساعة 09:30 am
The 17th Infantry Brigade Command affiliated with the Islah Party has acknowledged that it has kidnapped Captain Muhanad al-Makhlafi, the Deputy Director of al-Mudafar Police in Taiz and two soldiers as well.
A security source at al-Mudafar in Taiz said to Newsyemen that gunmen of the Brigade kidnapped a security official over the child Noran's killing in Taiz.
According to the source, the Colonel Abdo Hamoud al-Saghir, the Islah leader, demanded that al-Mudafar Police to stop pursuing the defendants unless there is a position for the brigade, which represented the abduction of his deputy Muhanad al-Makhlafi.